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Friday, 23 January 2015

Allocation Ordered Scans

Allocation Order Scans

When an execution plan includes a scan of a b-tree index structure, the storage engine may be able to choose between two physical access strategies when the plan is executed:

  1. Follow the index b-tree structure; or,
  2. locate pages using internal page allocation information.

Where a choice is available, the storage engine makes the runtime decision on each execution. A plan recompilation is not required for it to change its mind.

The b-tree strategy starts at the root of the tree, descends to an extreme edge of the leaf level (depending on whether the scan is forward or backward), then follows leaf-level page links until the other end of the index is reached.

The allocation strategy uses Index Allocation Map (IAM) structures to locate database pages allocated to the index. Each IAM page maps allocations to a 4GB interval in a single physical database file, so scanning the IAM chains associated with an index tends to access index pages in physical file order (at least as far as SQL Server can tell).