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Showing posts with label Parameters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parameters. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Be Careful with LOBs and OPTION (RECOMPILE)

Be Careful with LOBs and OPTION (RECOMPILE)

It sometimes makes sense to add OPTION (RECOMPILE) to a query. Typically this will be when:

  • A good enough plan for the query is very sensitive to one or more parameters
  • No good single value exists for the parameter to use in a hint
  • Optimize for unknown doesn’t give a good result
  • The plan might be expected to change over time
  • The cost of recompiling the statement is much less than the expected execution time
  • Recompiling every time is very likely to save more time and resources than it costs overall

All that is fairly well-known. The point of this short post is to draw your attention to another side-effect of adding OPTION (RECOMPILE) — the parameter embedding optimization (PEO).

Sunday, 11 October 2020

sql_handle and the SQL Server batch text hash

sql_handle and the SQL Server batch text hash

This article describes the structure of a sql_handle and shows how the batch text hash component is calculated.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Parameter Sniffing, Embedding, and the RECOMPILE Options

Parameter Sniffing, Embedding, and the RECOMPILE Options

Parameter Sniffing

Query parameterization promotes the reuse of cached execution plans, thereby avoiding unnecessary compilations, and reducing the number of ad-hoc queries in the plan cache.

These are all good things, provided the query being parameterized really ought to use the same cached execution plan for different parameter values. An execution plan that is efficient for one parameter value may not be a good choice for other possible parameter values.

When parameter sniffing is enabled (the default), SQL Server chooses an execution plan based on the particular parameter values that exist at compilation time. The implicit assumption is that parameterized statements are most commonly executed with the most common parameter values. This sounds reasonable enough (even obvious) and indeed it often works well.

A problem can occur when an automatic recompilation of the cached plan occurs. A recompilation may be triggered for all sorts of reasons, for example because an index used by the cached plan has been dropped (a correctness recompilation) or because statistical information has changed (an optimality recompile).

Whatever the exact cause of the plan recompilation, there is a chance that an atypical value is being passed as a parameter at the time the new plan is generated. This can result in a new cached plan (based on the sniffed atypical parameter value) that is not good for the majority of executions for which it will be reused.

It is not easy to predict when a particular execution plan will be recompiled (for example, because statistics have changed sufficiently) resulting in a situation where a good-quality reusable plan can be suddenly replaced by a quite different plan optimized for atypical parameter values.

One such scenario occurs when the atypical value is highly selective, resulting in a plan optimized for a small number of rows. Such plans will often use single-threaded execution, nested loops joins, and lookups. Serious performance issues can arise when this plan is reused for different parameter values that generate a much larger number of rows.